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Product Solutions

If you've been waiting for the right time for an incredible deal to launch a marketing automation project, you're in luck.  

MarketFirst, a leading marketing automation solution that competes head on with feature-rich solutions such as Aprimo, Unica and Eloqua, is now available at an incredible special reduction. Imagine being able to deliver to your organization the marketing automation processes and functionality you know you need, and have been asking your CEO to approve, for a fraction of what you would have paid earlier this year.

MarketFirst is available as an on premise or hosted solution. Looking for a SaaS-based marketing automation solution? Let us show you MarketBright,  also a feature rich, easy to deploy and use marketing automation platform with integration to Sales Force.

It's no longer a secret that online marketing and marketing process automation, coupled with CRM, provide a powerful combination for increasing your hit rates and improving lead generation while substantially reducing time and resources needed to execute marketing campaigns. Now's the time to own a world class eMarketing solution for a rate comparable to the price of the simple outbound email product you didn't buy because it didn't meet your needs.

You've waited long enough!! Start building your next quarter's pipeline today!

Call us now at 617-398-0445 or send us an email and ask to set up your initial consultation.

Click the resource bar on the right to download our white paper.