Marketing Automation is much more than Lead Generation, It's about looking at all your marketing processes for opportunities to automate, personalize, improve, and measure.
Let us show you how your online marketing programs can leverage near one-to-one level communications to produce measurable results.
Order or service triggered surveys - find out what your customers are saying about your products and services using Net Promoter Score. Automate escalation follow up
Automate your event program invitations, registrations, reminders, follow-ups
Automate contract renewals or any process that has defined "life stages", schedules or expirations
Multi-channel marketing - drive contacts online to save time, $, and improve the quality of the interaction
Automate loyalty programs - Improved customer analysis, better segmentation, and identifying the right type of reward for each customer segment, reward process management. Lifts achieved through greater personalization of customer messages
Build strong channel relationships, gain visibility into your Partner's Pipelines
Churn reduction programs - Inability to track customer behaviors that predict defection, or inability to track customers by profitability leads marketers to focus their efforts on all customers, not just the profitable ones ready to defect. Worse, when the wrong communication hits the wrong customer at the wrong time, the communication can actually have the reverse effect, reminding the customer to end the relationship with your company. Triggered programs can manage ill timed messages to improve these programs in addition to personalized communications. Win back focused campaigns can be automated
Automate cross/up sell campaign based on buying behavior and propensity. Set triggers to optimize timing, and automatic customization and personalization can quickly improve revenues
Automate production and distribution of personalized newsletters, announcements, research and alerts based on interests and profiles.
Mobile marketing - The very nature of mobile marketing makes it effective; consumers need to opt-in to receive marketing messages; they trust you as a messaging source and this makes them highly qualified sales prospects and more likely to respond to your message. Because your mobile marketing message is permission based, consumers are far more likely to read the message and therefore to respond. Most people read a SMS within 15 minutes of receiving and respond within 60 minutes - this is a very high response rate.
Profiling and segmentation in the MarketFirst database - improve your targeting, use MarketFirst to drive highly targeted personal, relevant, communications
Marketing measurement reports - improve campaign performance - measure, adjust, execute
Campaign analytics
CMO Dashboards at a glance view of your KPIs with drill down
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